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En este sitio queremos llegar a la comunidad hispanoparlante de Augusta, Georgia, y Central Savannah River Area (CSRA), que comprende varios condados de Georgia (Columbia, Burke, McDuffie, Richmond y 9 más) y South Carolina (Allendale, Aiken, Barnwell, Edgefield y McCormick), 18 condados en total.
En Augusta y su área de influencia existen varias entidades ofreciendo servicios a los hispanoparlantes, sin embargo se carece de una organización que pueda centralizar las inquietudes de la población y canalizar los recursos a los necesitados de ayuda. Un grupo de personas está trabajando para ello y se requiere de la asistencia de todos para lograr ese objetivo.
El grupo está abierto a recibir las sugerencias de ACHA, ALAS, Hispanic Council of the CSRA y cualquier persona que quiera participar de este emprendimiento.
En el pasado hubo un intento de formar un Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of the CSRA (HCC). Es tiempo no solo de hablar del pasado sino actuar en el presente para proyectarse al futuro.
¿Qué estás esperando? - "En la unión está la fuerza"
Scroll Down to Read About Afro Latinos
Estos son algunos de los Vídeos compilados en referencia a la comunidad de habla castellana (español) en Augusta, Georgia, y su zona de influencia. En ocasiones, aunque los Vídeos no sean específicos del CSRA, reflejan el sentimiento de la comunidad o tienen relación.
Estos son algunos vídeos de y para la comunidad. Algunos están en inglés.
Some videos are in English.
Equality Clinic|Clinica Latina en Augusta, Georgia.
Afro Latino (mulatos) Black American and African American
LATINOS AND BLACKS: What Unites and Divides Us?
Wendy Conklin
The workplace is one of the few places where people of different races, ethnicities, histories and cultures come together to achieve common goals.
As the Latino / Hispanic and Black / African American populations of the United States increase they continue to influence one another. Unique differences divide and unite members of these groups, affecting how they relate and adapt to their circumstances.
To explore these differences as well as the similarities, we initiated an open discussion among four Latinos and Blacks: a woman and a man from each group. Our discussion touched on many subjects, including immigration, nationality, assimilation, language, race, ethnicity, skin color and appearance.
We were quick to identify what divides us and took longer to see what unites us, and some subjects were more sensitive than others.
Our time together was a learning experience. We experienced the need for Blacks and Latinos — as distinct, complex, unique and overlapping groups — to learn more about each other and bridge a gap of ignorance and misunderstanding. It was sometimes difficult to engage in deep conversation on these issues as it requires a great deal of trust and risk.
This is often why many people don't engage in these conversations.
In this article, we capture the discussion that took place during our interviews and explore important issues that may stand in the way of Blacks and Latinos becoming true allies and collaborating with each other as friends, peers and bosses.
Kaiser Family Foundation estimates based on the Census Bureau's March 2014 Current Population Survey (CPS: Annual Social and Economic Supplement).
N/A: Estimates with denominators under 100 or with relative standard errors greater than 30% are not provided.
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www.facebook.com/augustalatino |
—> Considering that Hispanic people can be of any race is not proper for voting purpose to imply the existence of a "Hispanic voting block" or group, and even interests and similar issues.
—> Should Hispanic diaspora celebrate "Afro Latino Heritage Month" instead of Black History Month/African American History Month?
(Si desea apoyar esta sección con su aviso comercial o donación:
anibalshow@gmail.com, llame o envíe un texto al 404-954-2623)
Estos son algunos de los negocios y servicios ofrecidos en Augusta y el CSRA:
Asociación Cultural Hispanoamericana (ACHA)
- Hispanic Festival and Señorita Latina Concurso de Belleza (Octubre)
Asociación Latina de Servicios (ACHA)
- Clínica Latina
Hispanic Council of the CSRA
Casa La Esperanza
- Ayuda a escolares después de clase
Centro de Salud (Encuentre en su área)
St. Joseph Catholic Church
St. Teresa Catholic Church
Ministerio Nueva Vida
Oasis de Bendición
Our Lady of Peace
Edgar Codero - Autos
Elsa Bustamante - Bolsa de trabajo y capacitación
Anibal Ibarra - Intérprete - Interpreter
{ñ} Si desea anunciar su organización, negocio, servicio o profesión aquí envíe su breve mensaje y abone la suma de $50 por mes.
Anibal Ibarra, intérprete. 404-954-2623, anibalshow@gmail.com. Está afiliado al Medical Interpreter Network of Georgia. Favor llame con tiempo para contratar servicios, al menos dos días antes.
My husband was diagnosed with early onset Parkinson's disease at 57.his symptoms were shuffling of feet,slurred speech, low volume speech, degradation of hand writing, horrible driving skills, right arm held at 45 degree angle, things were tough for me, but now he finally free from the disease with the help of total cure ultimate health home, he now walks properly and all symptoms has reversed, he had trouble with balance especially at night, getting into the shower and exiting it is difficult,getting into bed is also another thing he finds impossible.we had to find a better solution for his condition which has really helped him a lot,the biggest helped we had was ultimatehealthhome they walked us through the proper steps,am highly recommended this ultimatehealthhome@gmail.com to anyone who needs help.