Tuesday, December 30, 2014

"Protecting" Religious Liberty in Georgia

DULUTH, GA (PR)The Georgia Baptist Convention (GBC) is calling on the Christian community to “stand up for biblical principles and fellow believers who are punished or marginalized for their faith.” The Duluth agency, which represents 1.4-million members statewide, felt called to respond to the recent 30-day suspension of Atlanta Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran by Mayor Kasim Reed. The statement was issued by the GBC’s Public Affairs Committee on Dec. 9.

Indocumentados y la Declaración de Impuestos

El 20 de noviembre del 2014 el Presidente Obama anunció una acción ejecutiva en materia de inmigración que podría ampliar el alivio de la deportación a un estimado de 5 millones inmigrantes indocumentados. La administración no ha dicho qué tipo de documentación aceptará, sin embargo, creemos que las dependencias gubernamentales podrían requerir impuestos declarados por 5 años consecutivos, como prueba adicional de residencia, si los solicitantes afirman haber trabajado en Estados Unidos desde su llegada.

Tax Season Opens on January 20

WASHINGTON, D.C. (PR) - Following the passage of the extenders legislation, the Internal Revenue Service announced today it anticipates opening the 2015 filing season as scheduled in January. The IRS will begin accepting tax returns electronically on Jan. 20. Paper tax returns will begin processing at the same time.

Al Gobierno No Le Salen Las Cuentas

SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO (Jesús Dávila)El Gobierno de Puerto Rico se topó con un obstáculo inesperado cuando en un intento por conciliar las cifras de los recaudos del arbitrio al petróleo y sus derivados y tras un esfuerzo de 72 horas durante las cuales los números subían y bajaban sin control, se produjo la paradoja de que se anticipa un “aumento” que produce en total menos que antes.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Abuso de Ancianos: Problema Casi Oculto

LOS ANGELES (Araceli Martínez Ortega) - Cuando a Esther González, de 74 años, le limpiaban la bolsa plástica de recolección de sus heces, aseguró que sentía un empujón fuerte.

"Por favor, no me empuje", le dijo a la cuidadora que la aseaba en el asilo donde se encuentra. Como respuesta, esta inmigrante guatemalteca, recibió tres golpes en la pierna asestados con el gancho de la bolsa plástica.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Incoming Commissioners Take The Oath

AUGUSTA, GA (PR) - The Oath of Office Ceremony for Commissioners-Elect Ben Hasan, Sammie Sias and Dennis Williams will be held Monday, December 29, 2014 at 11:00 AM in the Lee Beard Commission Chamber, Room 200B, Municipal Building.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Histórico Bajo Precio de Gasolina

AUGUSTA, GA (Anibal Ibarra) - Por primera vez en años, el precio de la gasolina por galón ha reducido bajo la marca de 2 dólares en la ciudad y en Central Savannah River Area (CSRA). En Costco se ha ofrecido el combustible a $1.99. 

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Congressman Grimm Lies and Deceptions

WASHINGTON, D.C. (PR) - Earlier today, United States Congressman Michael Grimm pleaded guilty at the federal courthouse in Brooklyn, New York, to aiding and assisting the preparation of a false tax return.  Since 2011, Grimm has served as a member of the United States House of Representatives representing New York’s 11th Congressional District, which includes the borough of Staten Island and parts of the borough of Brooklyn, in New York City.

2015: A New Year of Hope

By Shea Howell - As 2014 gives way, new energies are swirling through the country, bringing hope of real change based on values that respect life and the earth that sustains us. Much of this hope comes from the resistance of people to the dehumanization and destructiveness that have become ordinary in our country.

We Have So Much to Learn From Cuba

By Grace Lee Boggs - This was my first visit to Cuba and it was only for a week. My sense was that the Cuban people, by recommitting themselves to the struggle for socialism, are beginning to recover from the crisis caused by the loss of Soviet aid. In the process they seemed to be creating an alternative vision for Third World countries and perhaps even for deindustrialized cities like Detroit which must now rebuild, redefine, and respirit themselves from the ground up.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Alivio a Indocumentados Regirá en Febrero del 2015

ATLANTA, GA (PR) - En las instalaciones del Consulado General de México, se llevó a cabo un evento informativo sobre las medidas migratorias anunciadas por el Presidente Barack Obama los pasados 20 y 21 de noviembre. Fue organizado de manera conjunta con el Servicio de Ciudadanía e Inmigración de Estados Unidos (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglés) y la Comisión Federal de Comercio (FTC, por sus siglas en inglés).

Establishing Citizens Police Review Board

ATLANTA, GA (PR) - Here in Atlanta, there is a narrative fallacy that these protests have been unorganized, disconnected and without concrete outcomes in mind. That could not be farther from the truth. It is time to take back our story and our struggle. It is time to broaden our base. The national consciousness has been awakened- everyone from congressional staffers, to medical students, to athletes and celebrities have shown their solidarity.

A Victorious Year For Georgia Sierra Club

ATLANTA, GA (PR) - This year has been full of victories for the Georgia Chapter. Thanks to our members and supporters, we have made strides in securing solar energy for our state, expanding mass transit in Clayton County, and turning out the largest crowd of clean air and clean energy advocates in the country to encourage passage of the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Clean Power Plan Proposed Rule.

Impacto EE.UU-Cuba en Venezuela

EL CHULOCAPITALISMO: "Se Arroja Gasolina Sobre VeneCuba"

Por Agustín Blanco Muñoz - Las encuestas señalan que hasta el 80% de los votantes opinan que este expaís va por mal camino y sólo el 22% (hacia abajo) apoya a Nicolás Maduro. El fondo del descontento está en la difícil situación económica que padecemos y lo complicado que será salir de la misma con la caída de los precios del petróleo.

Friday, December 19, 2014

First Hispanic Superior Court in Georgia

ATLANTA, GA (PR) - Following Governor Nathan Deal's appointment of Dallas lawyer Dean Bucci to the Superior Court within the Paulding Judicial Circuit, the Georgia Republican Party issued the following statements:

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Cuba-EE.UU: Sorpresa Indignante y Euforia Mundial

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Anibal Ibarra) - “Estados Unidos está dando pasos históricos al trazar un nuevo rumbo en nuestras relaciones con Cuba y además atraer y empoderar al pueblo cubano. Estamos separados por 90 millas de agua, pero hemos estado unidos a través de las relaciones entre la llegada de 2 millones de cubanos y los americanos de cubanos que viven en los Estados Unidos y los 11 millones de cubanos quienes comparten similares esperanzas por un futuro más positivo para Cuba.” empieza el comunicado oficial de la Casa Blanca.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Reports on African Heritage Delegation to Israel/Palestine

AUGUSTA, GA (PR) - Ajamu Baraka just returned from Palestine as a member of the “African Heritage” delegation which spent two weeks in Palestine between October 27 and early November. Mr. Baraka shared his observations and experiences, including the attack on the delegation by the Israeli army in the village of Bil`in, during his presentation “Peoples in Resistance from Ferguson to Palestine: A Report Back.”

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Maduro Espera Respeto de Estados Unidos

El Presidente de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, aseguró –desde el Panteón Nacional, donde conmemoró los 190 años de la Batalla de Ayacucho- que no acepta las sanciones ni amenazas que el Senado estadounidense pretende aplicar a Venezuela, según el reporte oficial.

Utilities Customer Service and Tag Office Moving

AUGUSTA, GA (PR) - The South Augusta Tag Office located at 2029 Lumpkin Road and the Augusta Utilities Customer Service Office at 2760 Peach Orchard Road will serve its last citizens at their current locations on Wednesday, December 10th.

Anti-war Movement Silenced by Drones?

This week marks the 73rd anniversary of the last time Congress formally declared war – December 8th, 1941. As the U.S. escalates its latest military campaign in Iraq without Congressional approval, Liberty Tree Foundation president Ben Manski writes in Al Jazeera that the lack of major anti-war street protests in response signifies not consent, but rather a deliberate tactical choice.  Movement organizers, he argues, are in fact signaling to the government that they no longer believe that "Congress and the presidency can provide effective redress for the grievances of the American people."

In the Market to Park It?

AUGUSTA, GA (Anibal Ibarra) - Downtown that is. A community forum was held at the public library to gather feedback from businesses, workers and property owners regarding downtown parking management. The meeting was facilitated by Dr. Anthony Robinson from Georgia Regents University (GRU) and hosted by local government.

Monday, December 8, 2014

President Clements: Message to the Clemson Family

"At a time of year when our thoughts are turning to family, holidays and the start of a new year – all the things that unite us and bring us joy — it is discouraging that so many events and issues are causing division and hurt, and making many students feel unwanted at this great university. It hurts to read disrespectful and just plain mean comments in social media.  Last night’s “Cripmas” party, which the university did not sanction, raised more concerns about the campus climate. Clemson is better than this.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

ACHA Renueva Directiva

AUGUSTA, GA (Anibal Ibarra) - La Asociación Cultural Hispanoamericana de Augusta (A.C.H.A.) ha renovado su directiva que servirá durante los años 2015 y 2016. El nuevo presidente del grupo que organiza anualmente el Festival Hispano, Edmundo Acevedo, informó que su administración será más incluyente al enfocar otros aspectos de interés comunitario, a más del festival.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Georgia Latinas Achievements Awarded

ATLANTA, GA (PR) - In celebration of the achievements and accomplishments of our nation's most inspiring Latina Tech and Business women, Latinos in Information Sciences and Technology Association (LISTA) Georgia Tech Council announced "Latinos/as Tech Forum and the Latina Tech and Leader Luncheon” on December 10th 2014 at the Georgia Tech Research Center in Atlanta, Georgia.  

Friday, December 5, 2014

Sheriff Rejects Unconstitutional Detention per ICE Requests

Georgia #Not1More Looks to Prevent Future Abuses

ATLANTA, GA (PR) - Members of the Georgia #Not1More coalition today announced the latest victory in their efforts to end unconstitutional detention per ICE detainer requests in Georgia. DeKalb County Sheriff Jeffrey L. Mann (Photo) has announced that, effective immediately, he will end submission to federal detainer requests, a centerpiece of the failed Secure Communities deportation quota program, without a warrant or other sufficient probable cause.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Congreso Republicano Planteará Inmigración

Por Anibal Ibarra - Los republicanos de Estados Unidos, indignados con el Presidente Barack Obama por frenar las expulsiones de millones de residentes indocumentados, propondrá una legislación en el 2015 para fortalecer aún más el control fronterizo entre México-Estados Unidos y con el fin de desalentar la inmigración ilegal. El informe fue proporcionado por la agencia noticiosa Reuters.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Justice Department Will Proceed Investigation

Statement by Attorney General Holder 
on Federal Investigation Into Death of Eric Garner

Washington, D.C. (PR) - "I want to provide an update regarding the case involving Eric Garner, a Staten Island resident, who died tragically in July. Since Mr. Garner’s death, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York, the Civil Rights Division and the FBI have been monitoring the local case closely while allowing the local investigation, led by the District Attorney’s office in Staten Island, to proceed first.

Getting Real About Transportation in Georgia

ATLANTA, GA (Edward Lindsey) - Let’s get real about transportation. We are at a crossroads. Do we step up and face our current challenge or do we allow this vital infrastructure to decay and fall further behind our present and future needs?

Georgia ranks forty-ninth in the nation in per capita transportation spending. In the Southeast, we spend only just over half what North Carolina and Virginia spend on transportation and 43% of what Florida spends even though we have more state road lane miles to maintain.

What Eric Holder, Georgia Democrats Forgot to Mention

ATLANTA, GA (Leo Smith) - On Monday, Attorney General Eric Holder hosted a town hall meeting at Atlanta's historic Ebenezer Baptist Church. I was on hand - not to participate in the round-table discussion with law enforcement, community leaders, and elected officials - but to engage with those in attendance and offer my support to Civil Rights leaders like Bernice King, Bill Harris and C.T. Vivian.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Stormwater Fee Approved

AUGUSTA, GA (Anibal Ibarra) UPDATE 2/17/2015 - The Augusta Richmond County Commission voted in favor to put on hold the implementation of the stormwater fee (tax) already approved on the budget for FY 2015. Opposition from industries and churches apparently forced the Commission and Mayor Hardie Davis, a pastor himself, to change their minds. A public forum will be announced.

House to "Undo" President's Immigration Action

WASHINGTON, D.C. (AUC) - At long last, House of Representatives Republicans are finally going to vote on immigration. Just one problem. Instead of voting on the comprehensive immigration reform bill the Senate passed with bipartisan support over 520 days ago or any reform bill of their own, they’d rather vote to take a step backwards and undo the President’s immigration action that is having a meaningful impact on peoples’ lives.  

Rally for Living Wage in Atlanta

ATLANTA, GA (STANDUP)Fast Food workers and allies from across Atlanta are gathering together on December 4 to fight for living wages, respect, and rights on the job. Join us as we build the fight for $15 Movement in the South.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Cuidado de la Salud de los Chicos

Un nuevo estudio revela que más del 11 por ciento de niños hispanos no tienen seguro médico, en comparación con el 7.1 por ciento del total de la infancia en el país. La autora de la investigación Sonya Schwartz es una becaria del Centro de Niños y Familias del Instituto de Política Sanitaria de la Universidad de Georgetown, que publicó el resultado junto con el Consejo Nacional de La Raza (NCLR). Ella habló con New American Media (NAM) acerca de los niños hispanos desproporcionadamente sin seguro y qué hacer para cerrar la brecha de cobertura.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Georgia Named #1 Solar Market

ATLANTA (GA Sierra Club) - Solar is about to change the world. The Georgia Sierra Club has helped to make the Peach State the fastest-growing solar market in the country. Last year, with your support,  the Georgia Public Service Commission approved a motion for Georgia Power, the state’s largest utility, to add 525 MW of solar power generation to its portfolio by 2016.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

America Exceptionality: Violence and Corruption?

By Rich Pellegrino - My feeling and reaction: is one of anger, empathy, compassion. I am angry at myself, at other community and civil rights activists, and at all community leaders (civil rights, elected representatives, clergy, etc) who talk a good talk but when it comes down to it we are really not walking the necessary walk and are not doing an effective job of confronting, dismantling and replacing this racist, corrupt, inhumane, terroristic system which repeatedly and consistently demonizes and  terrorizes people of color.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Estafadores de Inmigrantes al Acecho

Haga click en la gráfica para detalles
WASHINGTON, D.C. (PR) - El Servicio de Ciudadanía e Inmigración de los Estados Unidos (USCIS) le recuerda que la orden ejecutiva del Presidente Obama aún no ha sido implementada y, al momento, no se está aceptando ninguna solicitud bajo la discreción legal anunciada por la Casa Blanca. Tenga cuidado con personas que le ofrezcan ayuda para presentar una solicitud antes de que estén disponibles.

Legalizing Immigrants and the Marketplace

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Portada) - President Obama's executive order de facto increases the documented Hispanic population in the U.S. by almost 5 million. That, per se, has a positive impact on Hispanic marketing and advertising. Below 10 things you need to know.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Llame al 811 antes de cavar

SAN FRANCISCO, CA (Ngoc Nguyen) - Wolfgang Gordillo recuerda el día en que un compañero de trabajo, excavando en un sitio de construcción en Seattle, golpeó accidentalmente y rompió una tubería de gas con una piqueta.

Friday, November 21, 2014

How Obama's Action Impacts Farmworkers

WASHINGTON, D.C. (PR)The Association of Farmworker Opportunity Programs (AFOP) applauds President Barack Obama for providing administrative relief from deportation for up to five million undocumented immigrants living in the United States.  It will also allow these individuals the chance to obtain work authorization. AFOP welcomes this important action by the   president, and calls upon Congress to pass legislation without delay that fixes our nation’s broken immigration system. 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Will Augusta Weather the Storm?

AUGUSTA, GA (Anibal Ibarra) - UPDATE 12/2: Stormwater fee was approved by the Richmond County Commission. It was a victory for Abie L. Ladson Director of the Engineering Department who stated before that the Commission must resource other sources of funds to keep the current (over 100 years old in many of the 36.000 cases) and future utilities projects. The $76.80 annual stormwater fee to 98% of homeowners in the county was included in the 2015 budget after the November 18 session and details will be revealed in another time.

Executive Order on Immigration

ATLANTA, GA (PR) 11/20/2014 - Today, the Obama administration announced that it would provide administrative relief to up to five million undocumented immigrants living in the United States, including parents of U.S. citizens or Lawful Permanent Residents who have lived in the United States for five years or longer if they register, pass a background check, and pay taxes; and expands deferred action for undocumented youth who arrived before January 1, 2010.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

ADA Fines Could Handicap the City

AUGUSTA, GA (Anibal Ibarra) - UPDATE 12/2/2014: The Augusta Richmond County Commission approved the position of Coordinator for the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Election Bankruptcy

By Shea Howell - The Republican sweep of the midterm elections and the final approval of the Detroit Plan to exit bankruptcy have common roots. It is no accident that the people celebrating the republican victory were the same as those celebrating approval by Judge Steven Rhodes of the Detroit Plan of Adjustment. They represent the last grasps of a dying power structure to consolidate control in a changing world.

Familias del mundo con el Papa en EE.UU

(Agencias) - El arzobispo de Philadelphia, Charles Chaput, confirmó hoy la visita de Su Santidad, Papa Francisco, a esta ciudad para clausurar el Encuentro Mundial de las Familias, el 27 de septiembre del 2015. 

Friday, November 14, 2014

State of LGTB Equality in Augusta

WASHINGTON, DC (PR) - The Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the nation’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) civil rights organization, today released its third annual report assessing LGBT equality in 353 cities across the nation, including eight in Georgia.

Paramedic Training Program

AUGUSTA, GA (PR) – The East Central Georgia area now has a paramedic training program. Twenty-four students have started the 13-month course for these advanced emergency medical care providers with diverse employment opportunities, from first responders on the street to working in hospitals and clinics as part of a health care team.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Paliza electoral republicana en números

WASHINGTON, DC (PR) - #1 …Mejor noche de elecciones para los republicanos a nivel estatal, quienes tomaron el control de la mayor cantidad de cámaras y escaños en la historia de los Estados Unidos.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Ebola Information Hotline

WASHINGTON (PR) - The American Federation of Teachers (AFT), the nation’s second-largest nurses’ union, today launched an Ebola Information Hotline and national ad buy to help ensure all healthcare workers receive the resources, equipment and training to prepare for and contain Ebola in the United States.

Can the Georgia GOP Stay on Top?

By Edward Lindsey - Last Tuesday was a good day for the Georgia Republican Party. We hold the Governor’s Office, every constitutional position, and overwhelming majorities in the General Assembly.

Detroit Test Drive

By Shea Howell - It has been widely reported that the successful exiting from bankruptcy will depend on the leadership abilities of Mayor Mike Duggan. The court appointed expert selected to give an opinion on the feasibility of the plan, Martha Kopacz, testified that it depends on the skill of the mayor. She said, “I have a great deal of faith in Mayor Duggan and the city council that they are going to work diligently to implement this plan.”  This conclusion was based on her observations and private conversations. These observations took place while Kevyn Orr was in charge.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Developer Agrees to Settlement for Stormwater Violations

ATLANTA, GA (PR) – Cannon Place, LLC (Cannon Place) has reached a settlement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency over alleged stormwater violations at its construction sites along Bald Ridge Marina Road in Cumming, Ga. As part of this settlement, Cannon Place agreed to pay a civil penalty of $110,253.

Gas Price Down, Food Cost Up

TAMPA, FLA (PR) — Motorists saw prices continue to plunge at the pump last week. The national average price for gasoline fell for the 42nd consecutive day Sunday. Meanwhile, the streak of declines is 37 days in Florida, 38 in Georgia, and 39 in Tennessee.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Protest Vote on the Rise

AUGUSTA, GA (Anibal Ibarra) - The Richmond County Board of Elections certified the results for the November 4 elections. One of the changes comparing other elections is the significant increase of write-in as a protest vote by the electorate, probably not happy with the candidates presented on the ballots.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Voto de latinas fuerte pese a represión

Ningún grupo de votantes puede ser tomado por hecho

WASHINGTON, DC (PR) — Para la directora ejecutiva del Instituto Nacional de Latinas para la Salud Reproductiva (NLIRH), Jessica González-Rojas «Los resultados de esta semana son una mezcla entre victorias, derrotas y lecciones importantes. La lección más importante de estas elecciones es que cada voto es importante y que ninguna comunidad o grupo de votantes debería ser subestimado".

15 años de servicio a la salud mental

Este año comenzamos celebrando 15 años de servicio a la comunidad latina. No puedo encontrar las palabras para expresar la gratitud que siento por todo el amor, las bendiciones, el apoyo y la compasión que me han demostrado a mí, a nuestro personal, a nuestros clientes y a nuestras familias.

Evans Residents Rejected Development

EVANS, GA (Anibal Ibarra) - The land near Heggie’s Rock and Little Kiokee Creek are being saved for now. A proposal to re-zone a 190-acre tract of land that adjoins Heggie’s Rock into a residential area, which would have transformed the density from 1 house/5 acres to 4 houses/acre, failed.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Commissioner Smith Wont' Give Up

AUGUSTA, GA (Anibal Ibarra) - Everybody should be allowed to do business with the city, specially elected officials, according to Commissioner Grady Smith who won't give up trying to easy ethics rules. Smith was censured last year for having his company some work with Richmond County as sitting Commissioner. He was reelected after being censured by the Commission, which is a reprimand with no punitive consequences. The issue will be revised in two weeks.  

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Impact of U.S. Security Assistance on Human Rights

WASHINGTON (PR) - Friendship Office staff traveled to Washington, D.C. with human rights defenders from Honduras participating in hearings at the Inter American Commission on Human Rights and to speak to members of the United States Congress. Bertha Oliva director of COFADEH participated in a Congressional Briefing sponsored by Rep. Hank Johnson on Human rights and U.S. Security Policy along with human rights defenders from Mexico, Guatemala and Colombia.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Carter: Inmigración compete al gobierno

AUGUSTA, GA (Anibal Ibarra) - El tema de la inmigración indocumentada corresponde al gobierno federal y se requiere de una reforma migratoria integral, puntualizó el candidato demócrata, Jason Carter, a la gobernatura de Georgia.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Invierno se viene con todo en Augusta

AUGUSTA, GA (Anibal Ibarra) - La temporada invernal del 2015 se avecina con todo según el Jefe de Bomberos Chris James, quien exhorta a la población a proveerse de elementos necesarios para por lo menos tres días en caso de emergencia. El desastre emergético ocasionado por la tormenta de hielo a principios de año todavía está fresco en la memoria y James informó a un grupo de vecinos del condado de Richmond que su departamento está previendo los detalles para que no se vuelva a producir los problemas presentados por la ausencia de un plan de respuesta integral.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Mental Health on the Campaign Trail

AUGUSTA, GA (Anibal Ibarra) - Former First Lady Jocelyn Carter spoke at the Lucy Craft Laney Museum of Black History Thursday to near 50 people, during a campaign stop to ask voters to considere her grandson, Jason Carter, to be the next Governor. She spoke about mental health, education, jobs and other issues that put Georgia among the top 20 states in the Union when Democrats were in power more than a decade ago. 

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Nueva matrícula consular mexicana

ATLANTA, GA (PR) - El pasado 23 de octubre del presente, se realizó la primera expedición de las nuevas matrículas consulares de alta seguridad por parte del Departamento de Documentación a Mexicanos. La nueva matrícula consular contiene ahora un chip electrónico, hologramas y diferentes gráficos que la hacen más segura y disminuye su falsificación.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Conservadores apelan al voto hispano

AUGUSTA, GA (Anibal Ibarra) - Laura y Gustavo Martinez subrayaron que no hay país más rico en historia y transcendencia mundial que los Estados Unidos, que se construyó no ha base de excusas sino por la voluntad heróica de su gente. El matrimonio oriundo de Venezuela, recientemente nacionalizados estadounidenses en setiembre, fue parte central del movimiento lanzado por Morris Communications, empresa propietaria del conservador diario Augusta Chronicle.

Candy Free Halloween Party

AUGUSTA, GA (PR) - The Non-Food Halloween Festival invites children with dietary restrictions to a free Halloween party with trick-or-treating for small toys and prizes instead of candy.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Medical Cannabis Study November 12

AUGUSTA, GA (Anibal Ibarra) 11/12/2014 UPDATE - The General Assembly could have the votes in 2015 to pass legislation allowing cannabis oil treatment to patients with serious medical conditions. The Joint Study Committee met at Georgia Regents University (GRU) to hear experts and make their case during the next legislature session. Around $8 millions might cost to study 50 patients for a year. GRU would like to use Epidiolex in their investigations.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Future of US Democracy

ATLANTA, GA (PR) - On Thursday, October 23, 6pm, Georgians from across the political spectrum will have an opportunity to share their views on money in politics, elections, and the future of our democracy with one of the nation’s top elections officials.  Ann Ravel, Vice Chair of the Federal Election Commission, will participate in a public forum hosted by the Emory University School of Law at the Tull Auditorium, 1301 Clifton Road NE, in Atlanta.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Is "Dr. Villain" Fading From Augusta?

AUGUSTA, GA (PR) – The University of Nevada at Las Vegas named Azziz as one of three finalists in their search for the next University of Nevada at Las Vegas president. He will be visiting the UNLV campus during the week of November 10 to participate in a number of campus and community forums and meetings with the search committee. UPDATE: Dr. Azziz was not selected.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Bus Route to Connect Fort Gordon and Mall

UPDATE (Anibal Ibarra) : A short drive from the Augusta Mall to Fort Gordon seems like a gigantic move to keep expanding public transportation. The new rout #10 was launched November 3, 2014. In May 2015 will be reviewed the service in order to make the necessary adjustments, according to city officials.  

Saturday, October 18, 2014

¿Violadores de escolares protegidos?

AUGUSTA, GA (Anibal Ibarra) - Cuando un chico estadounidense es violado sexualmente en la escuela la pregunta de un extranjero es: ¿Qué garantías tienen mis niños en la escuela de no ser víctimas? En un foro comunitario organizado por I Breathe I Rise, se hizo un llamado a los maestros honrados y valientes y a los padres a denunciar sospechas de acoso sexual. Los escolares en el condado de Richmond deben ser protegidos, coincidieron, aunque hasta ahora pareciera que los violadores gozan de impunidad.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Bloodless Medicine Techniques at Seminar

AUGUSTA, GA (PR)A major principle in Patient- and Family-Centered Care at Georgia Regents Medical Center is that patients have direct input into how their health care is delivered. For instance if a patient doesn’t want a blood transfusion, the hospital can accommodate this request through the Bloodless Medicine and Surgery Program.