Sunday, November 30, 2014

Cuidado de la Salud de los Chicos

Un nuevo estudio revela que más del 11 por ciento de niños hispanos no tienen seguro médico, en comparación con el 7.1 por ciento del total de la infancia en el país. La autora de la investigación Sonya Schwartz es una becaria del Centro de Niños y Familias del Instituto de Política Sanitaria de la Universidad de Georgetown, que publicó el resultado junto con el Consejo Nacional de La Raza (NCLR). Ella habló con New American Media (NAM) acerca de los niños hispanos desproporcionadamente sin seguro y qué hacer para cerrar la brecha de cobertura.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Georgia Named #1 Solar Market

ATLANTA (GA Sierra Club) - Solar is about to change the world. The Georgia Sierra Club has helped to make the Peach State the fastest-growing solar market in the country. Last year, with your support,  the Georgia Public Service Commission approved a motion for Georgia Power, the state’s largest utility, to add 525 MW of solar power generation to its portfolio by 2016.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

America Exceptionality: Violence and Corruption?

By Rich Pellegrino - My feeling and reaction: is one of anger, empathy, compassion. I am angry at myself, at other community and civil rights activists, and at all community leaders (civil rights, elected representatives, clergy, etc) who talk a good talk but when it comes down to it we are really not walking the necessary walk and are not doing an effective job of confronting, dismantling and replacing this racist, corrupt, inhumane, terroristic system which repeatedly and consistently demonizes and  terrorizes people of color.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Estafadores de Inmigrantes al Acecho

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WASHINGTON, D.C. (PR) - El Servicio de Ciudadanía e Inmigración de los Estados Unidos (USCIS) le recuerda que la orden ejecutiva del Presidente Obama aún no ha sido implementada y, al momento, no se está aceptando ninguna solicitud bajo la discreción legal anunciada por la Casa Blanca. Tenga cuidado con personas que le ofrezcan ayuda para presentar una solicitud antes de que estén disponibles.

Legalizing Immigrants and the Marketplace

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Portada) - President Obama's executive order de facto increases the documented Hispanic population in the U.S. by almost 5 million. That, per se, has a positive impact on Hispanic marketing and advertising. Below 10 things you need to know.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Llame al 811 antes de cavar

SAN FRANCISCO, CA (Ngoc Nguyen) - Wolfgang Gordillo recuerda el día en que un compañero de trabajo, excavando en un sitio de construcción en Seattle, golpeó accidentalmente y rompió una tubería de gas con una piqueta.

Friday, November 21, 2014

How Obama's Action Impacts Farmworkers

WASHINGTON, D.C. (PR)The Association of Farmworker Opportunity Programs (AFOP) applauds President Barack Obama for providing administrative relief from deportation for up to five million undocumented immigrants living in the United States.  It will also allow these individuals the chance to obtain work authorization. AFOP welcomes this important action by the   president, and calls upon Congress to pass legislation without delay that fixes our nation’s broken immigration system. 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Will Augusta Weather the Storm?

AUGUSTA, GA (Anibal Ibarra) - UPDATE 12/2: Stormwater fee was approved by the Richmond County Commission. It was a victory for Abie L. Ladson Director of the Engineering Department who stated before that the Commission must resource other sources of funds to keep the current (over 100 years old in many of the 36.000 cases) and future utilities projects. The $76.80 annual stormwater fee to 98% of homeowners in the county was included in the 2015 budget after the November 18 session and details will be revealed in another time.

Executive Order on Immigration

ATLANTA, GA (PR) 11/20/2014 - Today, the Obama administration announced that it would provide administrative relief to up to five million undocumented immigrants living in the United States, including parents of U.S. citizens or Lawful Permanent Residents who have lived in the United States for five years or longer if they register, pass a background check, and pay taxes; and expands deferred action for undocumented youth who arrived before January 1, 2010.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

ADA Fines Could Handicap the City

AUGUSTA, GA (Anibal Ibarra) - UPDATE 12/2/2014: The Augusta Richmond County Commission approved the position of Coordinator for the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Election Bankruptcy

By Shea Howell - The Republican sweep of the midterm elections and the final approval of the Detroit Plan to exit bankruptcy have common roots. It is no accident that the people celebrating the republican victory were the same as those celebrating approval by Judge Steven Rhodes of the Detroit Plan of Adjustment. They represent the last grasps of a dying power structure to consolidate control in a changing world.

Familias del mundo con el Papa en EE.UU

(Agencias) - El arzobispo de Philadelphia, Charles Chaput, confirmó hoy la visita de Su Santidad, Papa Francisco, a esta ciudad para clausurar el Encuentro Mundial de las Familias, el 27 de septiembre del 2015. 

Friday, November 14, 2014

State of LGTB Equality in Augusta

WASHINGTON, DC (PR) - The Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the nation’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) civil rights organization, today released its third annual report assessing LGBT equality in 353 cities across the nation, including eight in Georgia.

Paramedic Training Program

AUGUSTA, GA (PR) – The East Central Georgia area now has a paramedic training program. Twenty-four students have started the 13-month course for these advanced emergency medical care providers with diverse employment opportunities, from first responders on the street to working in hospitals and clinics as part of a health care team.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Paliza electoral republicana en números

WASHINGTON, DC (PR) - #1 …Mejor noche de elecciones para los republicanos a nivel estatal, quienes tomaron el control de la mayor cantidad de cámaras y escaños en la historia de los Estados Unidos.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Ebola Information Hotline

WASHINGTON (PR) - The American Federation of Teachers (AFT), the nation’s second-largest nurses’ union, today launched an Ebola Information Hotline and national ad buy to help ensure all healthcare workers receive the resources, equipment and training to prepare for and contain Ebola in the United States.

Can the Georgia GOP Stay on Top?

By Edward Lindsey - Last Tuesday was a good day for the Georgia Republican Party. We hold the Governor’s Office, every constitutional position, and overwhelming majorities in the General Assembly.

Detroit Test Drive

By Shea Howell - It has been widely reported that the successful exiting from bankruptcy will depend on the leadership abilities of Mayor Mike Duggan. The court appointed expert selected to give an opinion on the feasibility of the plan, Martha Kopacz, testified that it depends on the skill of the mayor. She said, “I have a great deal of faith in Mayor Duggan and the city council that they are going to work diligently to implement this plan.”  This conclusion was based on her observations and private conversations. These observations took place while Kevyn Orr was in charge.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Developer Agrees to Settlement for Stormwater Violations

ATLANTA, GA (PR) – Cannon Place, LLC (Cannon Place) has reached a settlement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency over alleged stormwater violations at its construction sites along Bald Ridge Marina Road in Cumming, Ga. As part of this settlement, Cannon Place agreed to pay a civil penalty of $110,253.

Gas Price Down, Food Cost Up

TAMPA, FLA (PR) — Motorists saw prices continue to plunge at the pump last week. The national average price for gasoline fell for the 42nd consecutive day Sunday. Meanwhile, the streak of declines is 37 days in Florida, 38 in Georgia, and 39 in Tennessee.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Protest Vote on the Rise

AUGUSTA, GA (Anibal Ibarra) - The Richmond County Board of Elections certified the results for the November 4 elections. One of the changes comparing other elections is the significant increase of write-in as a protest vote by the electorate, probably not happy with the candidates presented on the ballots.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Voto de latinas fuerte pese a represión

Ningún grupo de votantes puede ser tomado por hecho

WASHINGTON, DC (PR) — Para la directora ejecutiva del Instituto Nacional de Latinas para la Salud Reproductiva (NLIRH), Jessica González-Rojas «Los resultados de esta semana son una mezcla entre victorias, derrotas y lecciones importantes. La lección más importante de estas elecciones es que cada voto es importante y que ninguna comunidad o grupo de votantes debería ser subestimado".

15 años de servicio a la salud mental

Este año comenzamos celebrando 15 años de servicio a la comunidad latina. No puedo encontrar las palabras para expresar la gratitud que siento por todo el amor, las bendiciones, el apoyo y la compasión que me han demostrado a mí, a nuestro personal, a nuestros clientes y a nuestras familias.

Evans Residents Rejected Development

EVANS, GA (Anibal Ibarra) - The land near Heggie’s Rock and Little Kiokee Creek are being saved for now. A proposal to re-zone a 190-acre tract of land that adjoins Heggie’s Rock into a residential area, which would have transformed the density from 1 house/5 acres to 4 houses/acre, failed.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Commissioner Smith Wont' Give Up

AUGUSTA, GA (Anibal Ibarra) - Everybody should be allowed to do business with the city, specially elected officials, according to Commissioner Grady Smith who won't give up trying to easy ethics rules. Smith was censured last year for having his company some work with Richmond County as sitting Commissioner. He was reelected after being censured by the Commission, which is a reprimand with no punitive consequences. The issue will be revised in two weeks.  

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Impact of U.S. Security Assistance on Human Rights

WASHINGTON (PR) - Friendship Office staff traveled to Washington, D.C. with human rights defenders from Honduras participating in hearings at the Inter American Commission on Human Rights and to speak to members of the United States Congress. Bertha Oliva director of COFADEH participated in a Congressional Briefing sponsored by Rep. Hank Johnson on Human rights and U.S. Security Policy along with human rights defenders from Mexico, Guatemala and Colombia.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Carter: Inmigración compete al gobierno

AUGUSTA, GA (Anibal Ibarra) - El tema de la inmigración indocumentada corresponde al gobierno federal y se requiere de una reforma migratoria integral, puntualizó el candidato demócrata, Jason Carter, a la gobernatura de Georgia.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Invierno se viene con todo en Augusta

AUGUSTA, GA (Anibal Ibarra) - La temporada invernal del 2015 se avecina con todo según el Jefe de Bomberos Chris James, quien exhorta a la población a proveerse de elementos necesarios para por lo menos tres días en caso de emergencia. El desastre emergético ocasionado por la tormenta de hielo a principios de año todavía está fresco en la memoria y James informó a un grupo de vecinos del condado de Richmond que su departamento está previendo los detalles para que no se vuelva a producir los problemas presentados por la ausencia de un plan de respuesta integral.