When you contract Anibal Ibarra services, such as translation to Spanish (español) or English (inglés), video production, photography, voice over, design, production of ads, posting your ads to websites and or social media, crowdsourcing, production of ads in English and or Spanish or in both languages, creation of websites, crowdsourcing and or social media and or any other services that I can think of,

You, your company, your boss, your partner, your political party, your wife, your husband, your employer, your employee, etc.,

All of the above are not buying Anibal Ibarra or He is not your puppet, he is not your buddy, your campaign manager, your publicist, your endorsee, your business partner, your employee or any other title I can think of.

When your COMPANY AD or your SERVICE AD or your POLITICAL AD or your ORGANIZATION AD appears on sites in Video, Voiceover, Flyer, Photo, Image or Any Other Formats that Anibal Ibarra is posting it doesn’t mean endorsements. He is just doing his job for what he was contracted or hired to.

Same principle apply for contents not involving contracts for services.

For a quote, email me: or call me at 404-954-2623

La Cuestión Jurídica

Cuando se contratan los servicios de Anibal Ibarra, como traductor en español e inglés, producción de vídeo, fotografía, diseño, producción de anuncios comerciales audiovisuales, colocación de avisos comerciales en sitios de Internet, medios sociales en general, producción de anuncios comerciales en español e inglés, creación de sitios de Internet, medios sociales en general y otros servicios adicionales,

Usted, su compañía, su jefe, su socio, su partido político, su esposa, su marido, su empleador, su empleado, etcétera,

Todos los citados arriba no le están comprando a Anibal Ibarra o El no es su mascota, no es su cuate, su administrador de campaña, su publicista, su respaldo, su compañero de negocio, su empleado o ningún otro título que se pueda imaginar.

Cuando el comercial de su empresa, el comercial de su servicio, su comercial político o el comercial de su organización aparecen en los sitios ya sean en los formatos de vídeos, carteles, fotos, imágenes, audiovisuales, comerciales en audio, o cualquier otro método publicitario, diseminados por Anibal Ibarra de ninguna manera implica un respaldo. El únicamente está cumpliendo con el objetivo específico para el cual fue contratado.

Este mismo principio se aplica a los contenidos que no forman parte de un contrato por servicios.

Para detalles de precios escriba a o llame al 404-954-2623.

1 comment:

  1. My husband was diagnosed with early onset Parkinson's disease at 57.his symptoms were shuffling of feet,slurred speech, low volume speech, degradation of hand writing, horrible driving skills, right arm held at 45 degree angle, things were tough for me, but now he finally free from the disease with the help of total cure ultimate health home, he now walks properly and all symptoms has reversed, he had trouble with balance especially at night, getting into the shower and exiting it is difficult,getting into bed is also another thing he finds impossible.we had to find a better solution for his condition which has really helped him a lot,the biggest helped we had was ultimatehealthhome they walked us through the proper steps,am highly recommended this to anyone who needs help.
