Friday, June 28, 2013

Green Light for Georgia Regents University (GRU)

ATLANTA — In September 2012, Regent University of Virginia Beach, Virginia filed a trademark infringement lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Georgia contending that the chosen name for the university created by the consolidation of Augusta State University and Georgia Health Sciences University violated its trademark on the name Regent University.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

"Senate Passes Sweeping Immigration Legislation"

WASHINGTON, D.C - With 68 votes against 32, the Senate passes SB 744, more like sweeping under the rug 11 millions estimated people without permit to leave in the Union legally. The bill with some provisions that might help some individuals do not protect families and specially children, according to its critics. Some senators elude it as the "Halliburton Bill" for the possibility to get most of the border security contracts and the construction of 700 miles of "Berlin Wall" with Mexico.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Do I Look American to You?

Do I look American to you? This question from a Native American perspective might not be answered by anybody.

We just don't see them, because they have being segregated to reservation camps or village or nations among the nation.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Georgia U.S. Senate Race Unique Candidate

AUGUSTA, GA - In the June edition of Bienvenidos Press it is being mentioned the possibility to enter in the race for the Georgia U.S. Senate seat an unique candidate. According to the publication a business man from Evans is considering to run for the seat in November 2014. The republican Saxby Chambliss decided not to run for reelection. The Korean-American businessman if announces his candidacy could be the first ever to run as a republican. Georgia desperately is begging change.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Garbage: What a Mess!

AUGUSTA, GA - Starting June 6 the garbage collection will be only Thursdays. The Richmond County Commission approved the cut from twice per week to save money. Still the Commission approved today to give away $300.000 for another study around the former mills factory in Harrisburg.  Some commissioners questioned the fact that there is no money for services or improvements of services, like public transportation or drainage. Many residents have being paying for services they didn't receive, according to some commissioners.